Wednesday, 25 September 2013


These past two days I have have become slightly very addicted to pinterest. I had never got into it before but yesterday it suddenly dorned on me that I had been sitting on it for over an hour and ever since I have become hooked. There are so many pretty things and ideas on there. 

I started by typing in something like 'vintage home' and from there I found myself looking and Christmas decor and cake before I knew it. 

Pictures from on of my boards 
Have you got pinterest? Leave me a link so I can see what you have been loving on pinterest in the comments.

If anyone is interested in my pins click HERE.


Monday, 16 September 2013

100 Days Until Christmas

I'm not even sorry for bringing up the topic of Christmas so early this year. I never really get that excited about Christmas but this year, I just can't wait. I plan to be a bit thrifty and look for a few bargains as well as plan in advance a rough idea of what I want to get each person and sort out my budget. I am going to really miss summer but I thought I might as well embrace all things winter and Christmas this year and just make the best of it.  

Friday, 13 September 2013

Autumn Wish List

In the past few days it has been very rainy here in England and the signs of Autumn are beginning to show, but on the plus side I am really loving some of the autumn trends this year.

. ASOS Four Pocket Utility Jacket in Khaki . ASOS Smock Dress In Mono CheckRiver Island Ace Of Spades JumperASOS Shirt Dress In Check And SpotNew Look Aztec Fairisle Onesie ASOS Popper Front Skater Mac .

1) The first one is a khaki coloured, light weight looking coat. This also comes in colour denim but I would prefer the khaki coloured coat as its a bit more casual looking. It looks really comfy for autumn and is priced at £42 so should be good quality.

2) Tartan is ment to be very in this autumn and winter and I really like it in the white and black rather that traditional red. I think at £25 I will seriously think about buying this as it looks similar in shape to an other dress I own (from topshop) which I find really comfy but completely different in pattern. 

3) My third pick stood out to me as something a bit different than just a plain comfy round neck jumper and is priced at £30.

4) I really like this shape of shirt dress but I'm not sure how it would look on me. This one is a tad on the higher price at £55. I saw Victoria Beckham was wearing a dress of this shape and thought it looked so nice, what do you think?

5) I'm still yet to own a onzie and if I got one I would love one just like this so its great for autumn as well as winter priced at £22.99.

6) Finally I saw this cute skater style coat which would suit a lot a figures but at £60 I won't be getting it anytime soon.

Have you found any good autumn wear? Let me know in the comments.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Where Have You Been?

Hello everyone, for those of you who noticed I haven't blogged much lately and for that I'm sorry.

I haven't blogged because things have been rather hectic in my little world lately and I haven't had time to think what I want to blog about let alone time to sit down and write it. I'm determined to get back to my normal posting routine as much as I can. I will also get back on twitter and instagram in the next few days as that has been abandoned somewhat too.